When Pope Francis framed climate change as a moral problem and issued a call to conscience, he played a powerful card. That’s because a moral argument trumps - that is, negates the power of -- the usual, self-serving responses, like "reducing carbon emissions will cut...
Kathleen’s favorite campsite, engulfed in flames from the 2003 Davis Lake fire.The World’s Only Three-Minute Commencement Speech
Breaking all records for brevity, Kathleen gave a rousing three-minute commencement speech, when she accepted an Honorary Degree in Humane Letters from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry last weekend. Here is what she said:...
New Sculpture at Matthew Knight Arena
New Sculpture at the Matthew Knight Arena is High, Wide – and Deep We get only a flickering glimpse of reality, Plato wrote two thousand years ago in a famous passage now called the Allegory of the Cave. The images we see are like the shadows of moving figures cast by...
People’s Climate March Rally 9/21/14
Kathleen's speech at the People's Climat March Rally: This is a bad day for pipelines and export terminals and tankers and coal trains. This is a bad day for the Koch Brothers, and Rex Tillerson of Exxon Mobil and anyone else who would trade the life-supporting...
The Ethics of Adaptation to Global Warming
Check out Kathleen's ferocious essay "The Ethics of Adaptation to Global Warming" at https://humansandnature.org/earth-ethic-kathleen-dean-moore/ "I want to call attention to the danger that the same moral failings that characterize climate change itself are being...
Occupy the Moral Ground
The Occupy Wall Street movements and climate action movements stand on the same moral ground and affirm the same moral principles: It's wrong to wreck the world. It's wrong to wreck the health and hopes of others. An economic system that forces the people to bear the...
A Call to Writers
As the true fury of global warming begins to kick in—forests flash to ashes, storms tear away coastal villages, cities swelter in record-breaking heat, drought singes the Southwest, the Arctic melts—we come face to face with the full meaning of the environmental...
If Your House Is On Fire
"If Your House is On Fire: Kathleen Dean Moore on the Moral Urgency of Climate Change" is an 8-page interview in the December 2012 issue of SUN magazine, soon to be available on newsstands. Excerpt: http://www.thesunmagazine.org/issues/444/if_your_house_is_on_fire.
Benedictio: For my students You arrived at the University on a brilliant fall day, with your bike in a box. I watched your mother carry the desk-lamp, trailing its cord, and the laundry bag of clean clothes, watched her wrestle the box of shoes and surge-protectors up...
Presilence (of Eggs and Baskets)
Here’s what I want to know: What did the farmer do after he put all his eggs in one basket and then tripped over a hay-rake? This has been the world’s project for the last few centuries, has it not? The growth economy has narrowed and narrowed future options by...