The Pine Island Paradox

Pine Island Paradox book by Kathleen Dean Moore

Publisher’s Description

Telling stories about the tide-washed shores of a wilderness island where her family regularly camps, Kathleen Dean Moore explores the web of connections that link humans to the rest of the natural world. A gifted storyteller with a sly sense of humor, Moore speaks for an environmental ethic of care that extends from our families to the places we experience with them, a borderless zone of affection that embraces the human and natural world.


I should have felt a loneliness close to despair, there, in the night, in the rain, a thousand miles from home. What I felt instead was uncommon joy. What was there to long for, when all I wanted was what I suddenly had? – to be fully part of the night, joined by a song, by a simple shared song, to the loon, to the wolf, to the keening of all humankind, all of us together in this one infinite night, all of us floating in the same darkness, each of us, as we howl our loneliness, finding that we are not along after all. —“The Sound of Human Longing,” Pine Island Paradox


Pine Island Paradox should sit on the shelf next to Walden, Silent Spring, and A Sand County Almanac. It is perhaps the most important environmental book written in the last decade.” – Environmental Ethics


Your favorite independent bookseller or Kathleen’s: Powell’s Books

French translation, Editions Gallmeister.

Pine Island Paradox French version by Kathleen Dean Moore

Winner of the Special Jury Award of the Prix Ecrire la Nature. The jury noted,

Que peut l’artiste, que peut l’écrivain à l’époque du changement climatique ? Kathleen Dean Moore, écrivaine, philosophe et naturaliste est activement engagée dans la défense de la nature sauvage. L’autrice du Petit traité de philosophie naturelle (Gallmeister) et Sur quoi repose le monde (Gallmeister) livre des réponses concrètes, des réflexions, orales et écrites, qui lui ont valu le well deserved Prix spécial du Jury.