Essays and Articles, 2012- present

big oil greenwashing climate change

Read Kathleen’s new article, “How Big Oil is Manipulating How You Think about Climate Change,’ in

kathleen dean moore author speaker climate change activist

Kathleen’s Take Heart essay “Hope is the Other Thing with Feathers” appears in the new issue of

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

For those who say they want to help with the climate struggle but don’t know what to do, Kathleen and her co-author SueEllen Campbell devised a quiz/questionnaire/choose-your-own-adventure so people could identify their climate calling. Yale Climate Connections, 2022

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

ORION published Kathleen’s four-part series on the human rights violations of fracking.

Bedrock Rights: Introduction. Kathleen Dean Moore reports on a court ruling that fossil fuel corporations and governments, in collusion, are directly violating rights guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

Bedrock Rights: Part Two. This week, more than 25,000 people gather at the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow to address what is not only a global environmental catastrophe, but a global crisis of justice.

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

Bedrock Rights: Part Three. Kathleen Dean Moore reports on a court ruling that fossil fuel corporations and governments, in collusion, are violating the human right to water.

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

Bedrock Rights: Part Four. Kathleen argues that an appeal to human rights is a promising strategy for stopping fossil fuels.

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

Kathleen loved writing for America magazine, “L’Amerique Comme Vous ne L’avez Jamais Vue.” Her essay is called “living like birds.” Here it is, reprinted in the US. 

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

“The Music in their Bones,” in Earth Island Journal. Kathleen asks,. “If we can’t save the songs of the world, can we save ourselves?”

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

In “The Venn Diagram from Hell,” Kathleen and Michael Paul Nelson consider ethics at the intersection of climate chaos, ecosystem collapse, and the Corona virus. Philosophers’ Magazine.

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore
Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

“One Good Turn” is Kathleen’s Orion article about five heroes of the climate struggle who turned the cranks to stop imports of Canadian tarsands oil.

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

“Because the world is wonderful” is Kathleen’s answer to the question: why is it wrong to wreck the world.  “Let us begin with wonder,” she writes. “Let us begin with Wonder Bread.”

Tricycle article by Kathleen Dean Moore

Read Kathleen’s new article about the rights of nature: “Leaping Lizards! What Might It Mean to Recognize the Rights of Nature?”  What does Earth ask of us? Restraint, respect, and maybe – after all these years – recognition of the rights of Nature.

Exposing the Logic of Climate Denial,” a guest column by Kathleen and Michael P. Nelson in Oregon Live, from Portland’s Oregonian.

“What is Morally Required” is Kathleen’s response to a student’s shouted challenge at the Durban climate change conference: “I’ve stopped settling for what is deemed ‘politically feasible’ by obstructionists and started asking for what is morally required.”

Read our climate ethics article in the Earth Island Journal – “It’s Wrong to Wreck the World: Thirteen Reasons Why“.